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Notes on Eating for Skin Health

Our skin has the amazing ability to act as a shield that protects us from the external environment. This means that while our topical treatments can certainly yield results, it’s important to always nourish from within to provide the skin with the building blocks it needs for optimal health. As they say, you are what […]

Notes On Collagen Induction Therapy (CIT)

Collagen Induction Therapy (CIT), also known as microneedling, involves temporarily causing micro-trauma to the skin’s surface in order to stimulate the body’s natural healing process through the use of ultra-fine microneedles. As part of the body’s in-built response to injury, new collagen is formed. A protein essential in giving the skin strength, structure and elasticity, […]

Notes on Skin Care While Pregnant or Breastfeeding

Pregnancy is such a special time and a moment in life where we really need to listen closely to our body and nurture it on many levels. During pregnancy, the body undergoes a significant amount of change in a relatively short period of time. The elusive pregnancy glow might be something we’d hoped for, but […]

Notes on Oily Skin

Everyone’s skin naturally contains oil (sebum). This ultra thin veil of sebum is essential in hydrating the skin and acting as a barrier against external elements. Oily skin occurs when the sebaceous glands become overactive and produce too much sebum, characterised by a shiny or greasy appearance and often coupled with blackheads and break-outs. Excessive […]

Notes On Chemical Peels

Chemical peels are a great skin boosting treatment to really polish the skin of dead skin cells leaving you with a luminous and glowing complexion. When performed correctly, these in-salon treatments are incredibly gentle. Much like we’ve learned that chemical exfoliators such as AHAs, BHAs and PHAs are often very delicate options for removing dead […]

Notes on Combination Skin

Combination skin is a very common skin type. People with combination skin will often have an oily T-zone (forehead, nose, chin) but are balanced to dry across their cheeks. The skin is the largest living organ and is constantly in flux and susceptible to change due to both external factors (such as seasonal shifts) and […]

Notes On LED Light Therapy At Home

I’ve worked with LED Light Therapy for years, and though I’m well versed in the clinically proven benefits, I’m constantly surprised at the true and palpable results this non-invasive technology delivers. LED are a highly efficacious treatment and a great way to yield professional results at home. Suitable for all skin types and tones, it’s […]

Notes On Chemical Exfoliants AHAs, BHAs and PHAs

Our skin cells naturally turn over every 28 days; old layers shed away to reveal fresh skin beneath. As we age our cell renewal process naturally slows down, so regular exfoliation is vital in keeping the complexion smooth, balanced and glowing.   When it comes to exfoliation, there are two groups, physical and chemical. Physical […]

Notes On Layering Skincare

Correctly layering your skincare products will allow you to get the most out of your products and routine. Just as important as choosing the right product for your specific skin type and concern is ensuring that you apply it in the appropriate order. With so many options, it can get confusing. Below, I break down […]

Notes On Building Out An Effective Skincare Arsenal

Building out an effective skincare arsenal ❤️ As the largest and most outward facing organ of the body, the skin is susceptible to constant change. Rarely does its state stay the same; at any given moment it may be dehydrated due to the effects of central heating and hot showers, or congested after exposure to […]