The Zoe Report · These Are The Australian Wellness Trends To Note For 2022 & Beyond

Australian brands often enjoy cult appeal Stateside, particularly in the domains of fashion and beauty. And, with the global wellness industry expected to reach $7 trillion by 2025, American curiosity towards self-care practices there is piquing as well. As opposed to the United States, Australian celebrity facialist Melanie Grant describes the Aussie wellness movement as […]

WISH Magazine · Skin Deep

One company’s approach to caring for the body’s biggest organ goes beyond the bespoke, even venturing into your DNA French skincare company Biologique Recherche is the kind of brand that talks softly but carries a big stick, to loosely borrow the late Theodore Roosevelt’s philosophy. Softly, because despite never advertising, it commands an almost fanatical […]

HTSI · These products are like Lucozade for the face

The skin barrier – aka stratum corneum – is a wonderful thing. Described by dermatologists as a “brick wall”, it locks in moisture and keeps out external aggressors. A downside is that getting nutrients past it can be a challenge; even water sits on top of the skin until it evaporates. Electrolytes have a canny […]

Go To Skincare The Skincare Treatments You Should Be Investing In This Year

What can you expect from skincare in 2023? BIG question. I don’t think anyone can really pinpoint the potential beauty trends (don’t claim you saw vampire skin coming), so instead we’ve decided to lean into the timeless. We called on one of Australia’s biggest names in skincare, Melanie Grant, Skin Health Expert and Founder of […]

The Australian · How much would you pay for perfect skin?

A new haute couture beauty routine is the latest in high-tech skincare. When it comes to luxury, personalisation is the ultimate vice. From custom built homes to made-to-measure couture clothes, the ability to tailor your life to your personal specifications is an indulgence of the highest order. And while there’s always been the option to […]


We were delighted to have the opportunity to interview Melanie Grant, known as one of the most trusted facialists in the world. The reason why she is respected is not because her guests are Victoria Beckham, Cate Blanchett, Phoebe Tonkin and Lara Worthington, nor is it because she is the official chief skin expert appointed […]

SMH · Kim Kardashian’s skincare has nine steps. Is that seven steps too many?

If Kim Kardashian’s recently launched skincare line SKKN by Kim is anything to go by, a “perfect” skincare routine should contain no less than nine steps. You should wash your face using the SKKN Cleanser (morning and night) and follow with the exfoliator (but only two times per week). Then splash your face with a […]

Sunday Life · What skincare specialist Melanie Grant eats in a day

Skincare specialist Melanie Grant, 41, shares her day on a plate. 6am Wake up, drink a glass of warm water with a big squeeze of lemon and take my probiotics. 6.30am Two morning coffees, one espresso and one with almond milk. 9am I make a large carafe of water with fresh ginger, lemon and mint […]