NET-A-PORTER · The 11 Skincare hacks your facialist hasn’t told you about.

Want to take your skin and regimen up a level? NEWBY HANDS asks tops facialists JOANNA CZECH, MELANIE GRANT and ANGELA CAGLIA to share the easy, expert skin secrets they swear by Chill your face mist… “During summer, I keep my facial mists in the fridge to enhance their soothing and cooling properties. It also […]

Beauticate · Melanie Grant, The Skin Oracle Shares Her Secrets For a Flawless Face

To spend time in Melanie Grant’s world is to realise there’s a more pared back, refined approach to take with your skin care, and possibly your life. The skin stalwart opened her first studio in 2012 in Sydney’s Double Bay, followed by her Melbourne studio in Armadale in 2016, before establishing her first permanent international […]

Notes on Eating for Skin Health

Our skin has the amazing ability to act as a shield that protects us from the external environment. This means that while our topical treatments can certainly yield results, it’s important to always nourish from within to provide the skin with the building blocks it needs for optimal health. As they say, you are what […]

Notes on Skin Care While Pregnant or Breastfeeding

Pregnancy is such a special time and a moment in life where we really need to listen closely to our body and nurture it on many levels. During pregnancy, the body undergoes a significant amount of change in a relatively short period of time. The elusive pregnancy glow might be something we’d hoped for, but […]

The Modern Day Living · Australia’s Skin Care Queen

Tell us, when did your journey into the beauty world begin? My first proper foray into the beauty world was when I was 11. My mum took me to a fancy spa for a facial and I loved it! Ever since then I always knew I would work in beauty. It was fascinating to me. […]

Claire Andreewitch · Melanie Grant, The Expert For Perfect Skin

1 / For you, what are the essential active ingredients for an optimized skin care (intended here mainly for women from 30 years!) Between the middle and the end of the thirties, good skin deserves … Unfortunately, this is no longer obvious. Among many other components, incorporating active ingredients into your home routine is crucial for […]

Notes on Adaptogens

Adaptogens are a sound place to start. These are, quite simply, natural plant materials (predominately herbs, though these extend to various roots and mushrooms) which help aid the body’s natural processes and provide support for mental and physical stress. Used in ayurvedic medicine for hundreds of years, adaptogens are clinically proven to provide support to […]

Notes on Back and Body Acne

The bad news isn’t solely reserved for oily skin types, however, as back and body acne is also prevalent in the unlucky few who have barely experienced so much as a pimple on their face. Back and body acne differs a little from facial acne as it’s triggered when hair follicles become infected. That said, […]

Notes on Facials

A facial works to improve the overall appearance of your skin while targeting specific skin ailments. These are generally bespoke and tailored to your skin type, and are always an important part of any skincare regime. Facials are a wonderful way to thoroughly address particular concerns that crop up seasonally or during prolonged periods of […]

Notes on Sunscreen 🌞 

Chemical Sunscreen is a variant of sunscreen that employs chemical agents to protect against the sun. Chemical agents absorb UV light within the skin and dissipates it as heat energy. Chemical sunscreen is the preferred choice for most skin types especially blemish probe, congested, dehydrated, dry and mature skin types. It sits nicely under make-up, […]